Wednesday, August 14, 2013

4 months

I can't believe Ally was given the green light to start rice cereal - time is just flying by.  I feel like I was always so anxious for Benjamin to reach all of his milestones but not this time -  I want Ally to take sweet little time.  She had her 4 month check up this week and she's 12lbs 9oz and 23 3/4in long.  That's 25th percentile for weight and 40th for height.  I wonder if she'll stay on the smaller side or bulk up like her brother :)

Here's her first experience with eating something other than a bottle - her facial expressions crack me up
She's looking at that spoon and thinking - I don't know what that is coming at my face but I don't like it!

Too bad Ally's mohawk is covering up the 'A' in the background

And this pretty sums up how she felt about the whole experience

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