Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stork Diaper Blanket

Last weekend David and I we are invited to our friends Jeremy and Sarah's for a diaper party.  They are pregnant with their second baby and we are so excited for them.  I wanted to bring something more fancy than just a standard pack of diapers and I wanted something different from a diaper cake so off to pinterest I went to look for ideas.
It didn't take me very long at all to find my inspiration.  I decided to go with the baby blanket / stork idea.

How stinkin cute is this!?!


  1. My mom made my cousin a diaper motorcycle this past weekend. These diaper creations can get out of control. Yours is really cute!

  2. Oh I know! I saw diaper sushi rolls on crazy!

  3. That is VERY cute! I may have to try that one out.
