Monday, May 20, 2013


I'm not sure if you've heard about the Paleo diet but it seems as though it's starting to become increasingly popular.  I have a few friends that have been doing it for a while now and it sounds like the benefits are amazing so I'm definitely interested in giving it a try.
If you haven't heard of it - it's also called the caveman diet because you're basically going off a diet consisting of plants (fruits/veggies) seeds and meat.  You have to eliminate grains and refined sugar.  And it's not really a diet - it's more a lifestyle.  I'm very curious to see the effects of removing all the processed food and grain from my diet - I've heard your overall health is improved dramatically.  Heck - just eliminating my headaches alone would be enough to sell me :)
We're still trying to get adjusted to having a newborn in the house again so I haven't committed to go 100% paleo yet because honestly I don't have the time to jump all in yet.  I know it's going to take a lot of time and preparation to do this so I need to wait until we're all back on a somewhat consistent schedule otherwise I feel like I'm just setting myself up for failure. But that doesn't mean I can't slowly start to incorporate some paleo recipes in which brings me to this chocolate chip cookie recipe -
I found it through a blog I read every once in a while and you can find the full recipe HERE

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